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Fees and Payments

SVU Fees - Distance Programmes
CoursesEnrollment Fees(One Time)Annual Course FeesExam Fees Per SemesterTotal (Annually)
Bacheler of Arts 500 8000 1500 11000+(500 one time)
Bacheler of Commerce 500 12000 1500 15000+(500 one time)
Bacheler of Business Administration 500 16000 1500 19000+(500 one time)
Master of Arts (History) 500 12000 1500 15000+(500 one time)
Master of Commerce 500 12000 1500 15000+(500 one time)
Master of Business Administration
(Information Technology/Human Resource Management/Marketing Management/Financial Management/Hospital Management/International Business)
500 20000 1500 23000+(500 one time)
Note: Fee once paid shall not be refundable on withdrawal/cancellation of admission under any circumstances.